Monday, April 15, 2013

Festival and Upcoming performances!

Band festival!
Wow! What a field trip! The 7th grade band students were gone all day last Friday rehearsing with 100 other middle school students on 4 pieces that we brought with us. They worked with guest conductors to rehearse the pieces and those conductors heard us as a group of 17 perform 2 pieces that we brought with us. At the end of the day, we had a concert that a lot of parents were able to attend. I really enjoy giving this experience to the students since they can be part of a large group, hear instruments that we don't have in our group, and work with other middle schoolers from other schools. I can't wait to participate in this event next year!
Thanks to the drivers as well as the two parents who stayed all day! Mrs. Prescott and Mrs. Sandstrom made sure that I was eating and drinking all day!

Upcoming performances:

Middle School Spring Concert!
Thursday, April 25th at 2:!5pm and 6:30pm in the gym

Students may wear NICE free dress that day to school
Band students are to bring a labeled folding music stand (if they have one) to school that day
Please be back to the school at 6:10pm to warm up before the performance
This is a mandatory event! If there is a conflict, please let me know!

Can't wait for the middle schoolers to show you what they have been working on!

Shine and Show
Thursday, May 23rd from 6-8pm

Enjoy all of the artwork throughout the school, check out the recycled fashion show, and see grades PreK, 1-4 perform songs in the cafeteria!
A letter will be going home at the beginning of May with more details.