Monday, November 25, 2013


Hi everyone,

Happy almost end of the trimester! A quick reminder about grading: grades K-4 receive the 4-1 on skills and participation as well as a comment, and 5-8 receive a letter grade, a 4-1 on skills and participation and a lovely comment. Remember that a 2 in the skills department is FINE--as the year progresses that skills number will go up since they will learn more grade necessary skills. Keep an eye out for the report cards in the next week or so! Let me know if you have any questions about your student's grade.

Advent prep is going well--the students should know both of their songs by now and we are just working on the final blessing song as well as the song that we sing while classes are getting off and on the altar. Hopefully you are hearing the songs at home!

Middle school program: Christmas is on the way! All of these grades are working hard in class and at home practicing what they will perform in a few weeks.

Please make sure to email/contact me if your child will not be at these programs, this is our focus this month and next, so they will lose points for not being there without having a note (being sick is unplanned of course and we can talk about makeup assignments at that time).

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving---see you next week at the start of the second trimester!

Mrs. Miller

Thursday, November 14, 2013



'Tis November and in the music room that means that we are preparing for our December performances! Grades K-5 are learning their Advent program songs (the theme is "Sing out to the Lord!") and grades 6-8 are working on their Winter program music which is Christmas oriented.

EVERYONE has music to learn in class, but reinforcement at home is necessary! All grades have either the words to their songs at home, or sheet music to practice on their instruments. Please encourage your child to work at home! What we do in class then becomes the homework between classes, so practice those songs at home!  =)

As we get closer to the programs, I will include reminders, but for now....put these dates on your home calendars/phones!

Advent Program:
Monday, December 16th at 6:30pm

Middle School Winter Program
Friday, December 20th at 11:15am
School gym

Please let me know with an email or note if your child is not going to be at the program---I hand out makeup assignments to those who are gone for these programs since this is a graded event for music class.

Hope that you begin to hear the songs in your house soon!

Mrs. Miller