Friday, May 24, 2013

Shine and Show!

What a night--Ms. Larkin sure knows how to transform our school! The Ancient Greece themed Shine and Show was a wonderful night which started the moment we walked into the school.

The PreK, 1-4 graders did a great job singing music from the movie "Hercules" for their parents and I always enjoy the runway filled with the unique style of our 5th, K/8th graders.
Can't wait to see what the theme will be next year!

As the year starts to wind down, make sure that your middle schooler turns in all tests, projects, and assignments on time. Two days late means that they receive a zero in the gradebook!

I'll keep you posted on any other major projects that the kids are doing in the final weeks of school.
Have a great 3 day weekend!

Mrs. Miller

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Middle School

While the younger students are getting ready to perform next week, here is what grades 5-8 are up to:

5th grade: Instrument essay! We have been working for 2 weeks on it and it is due on Monday, May 20th! This is a huge part of their 3rd trimester grade!

6th/7th band: back to the book, but will be talking about next year's band/music choices on Wed, May 22nd

7th music: We have been discussing Musicals this month. The test will be on Wed, May 29th and we will also be talking about next year's band/music choice on May 22nd.

8th: all are completing a 8-16 measure composition to be performed in class the last week of May.

All of the final assignments are being completed in class, so hopefully your child is not getting stressed about these final items in music!

If you have any other questions, please let me know!

Mrs. Miller

Shine and Show

Here are the details for next week's Shine and Show performance for grades PreK, 1-4:

Thursday, May 23rd at 6pm in the cafeteria
6pm: meet downstairs to start getting ready
         IF you are there before 6pm, please make sure that students stay with their parents! Thanks!
6:15pm: we start singing songs from Hercules
6:40ish: we are done! Make sure to collect your student and then look at the rest of the artwork around the main building!

7pm (roughly): Recycled fashion show in the gym

I look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday!

Mrs. Miller

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Upcoming events

What a great performances we had last Thursday from the Middle School students!
Grades 6-8 performed in front of the school in the afternoon and came back that evening to play/sing for their parents. I am proud of all of them and hope that you enjoyed the music!

Next up to perform....PreK, 1st-4th grade!
Shine and Show
Thursday, May 23rd from 6-8pm!

Come see the artwork, hear the younger students sing, and watch the fashion show!

This week I sent home a letter discussing what the younger students will be performing that night, a timeline of when they are performing, and on the back, words for their songs.
These students have started to work on the songs and I can't wait to hear all of these Hercules songs come to life in the cafeteria in 3 weeks!

Watch the NewsFlash for reminders starting next week and I hope to see you there!